Water health facts

93% of bottled water around the world and 90% of tap water is contaminated with microplastics (Europe has 72% contamination). A recent report also concludes that the average person could be ingesting 100,000 pieces or 250 grams of microplastics per year. That is 5 grams of plastic every week, equivalent of eating a credit card.

Even if it’s unclear if microplastics are dangerous for us we think it is fair to assume most people do not want to consume a credit card per week. And even if scientist haven’t documented harmful effects yet common sense tells us that plastic cannot be good for us.

Microplastic is removed when filtration systems stop particles that are smaller than 2.5 micron. Our under sink water filters vary is 0.5 micron, we can even deliver filters down to 0.02 micron. This means that you will no longer get microplastic in your water if you have a filter installed. So, stop drinking bottled water, instead drink tap water which have been filtrated.

Some heavy metals like copper, zinc or manganese are essential to the health of living organisms, but only in small amounts. Excessive levels are not healthy, the accumulation over time of some highly toxic heavy metals can cause serious illnesses. Of all the heavy metals, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and mercury rank the highest in degree of toxicity and harmful impact on human health. Most filters target these heavy metals in order to reduce or eliminate them from your drinking water.

In most of Spain the tap water has been processed to remove bacteria and other harmful substances. But metals are not completely removed, and old metal pipes can contribute to a higher level of metals.