Fresh great tasting water

With water filtration you can drink tap water in Spain - No more carrying plastic bottles - Save hundreds of euro per year - Environmentally friendly

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Aquafilter whole house Big Blue 10 installation Aquafilter whole house Big Blue filter example

Whole House Filtration

The Aquafilter Big Blue Whole house filters are installed on the entry of your house so that all the water you use is filtered. Our system removes metals and dirt, then it removes chlorine for healthier and better tasting water, and as a final step, it softens the water to reduce limescale problems. With a whole house system, you can drink the water from every tap in the house knowing its fresh and clean water. When you shower you will not have to worry about chlorine in the water, and you will have a much easier cleaning job in the shower as there is less chalk on the walls and the floor.

Buy Now - from €349 Replacement filters
3M under sink water filter installation 3M complete water filter set with tap

Under-Sink Filtration

Our under-sink filters takes up very little space, making them the perfect solution for apartments where it is not easy to install a Whole House filtration system. Our 3M filters remove chlorine, metals and microplastics. The 3M filters we sell also removes cyst and parasites such as giardia, this is an added bonus which the Whole House filters don't have. Our filters also reduce chalk, protecting your coffee machine against limescale. Note that most filter suppliers in Spain do not offer these upgraded filters, with cyst and chalk benefits.

Buy Now - from €99 Replacement filters

A Healthy Choice

Removes Chlorine

When you remove the chlorine from your tap water you instantly get great tasting water.

Improves Skin Health

Chlorine is bad for your skin and hair. Removing it will often improve your skin and hair.

Reduce Lime Scale

Chalk not only makes cleaning your bathroom a huge task, it also shortens your appliances lifetime.

Saves you money

A family of four on average spend between €400-€800 on bottled water every year in Spain.

Reduce Plastic Footprint

in Spain people consumed around 7 billion plastic bottles in 2019. Only 30% gets recycled.

Saves you time

Why run out to buy water when you can drink the water in your tap. Stop wasting time and money.

Water filtration you can trust

When you choose a water filtration system you are making a decision which will affect your health. You need to be certain that the filters will give you cleaner and fresher water. There are filters out there that do not deliver on their promises, for example cheap filters made to replace original filters, claiming to do the same job without any documentation. Don’t risk your health, buy your filters from a company which sells well-known brands. Buy your filters from Fresh Water!


Selling quality products ensures that we get satisfied customers

Contact Us

If you have question about water filtration please feel free to contact us. You can also find more information about our products in our webshop